Sunday, December 30, 2012 Offers Time Warner Cable Deals, Gift Card, Daily deals & Bundle Deals offers latest updates on Time Warner Cable deals, promotions, monthly plans and prices. It offers a wide range of Time Warner cable TV plans, Cable Internet plans and Cable Home plans to meet the expectation of the customers. Aside from affordable monthly plans, provides daily deals, gift cards, Time Warner Cable Bundle deals and more.

Time Warner Cable TV plan is available at $49.95 per month for 12 months, Cable Internet plan is only $34.95 per month for 12 months and home phone plan is $19.99 /month for 12 months. Cable TV plan lets customers to choose from thousands of On Demand choices from sports, movies, music and more. It offers crystal clear picture and sound and brilliant HDTV channels.

Internet plan offers a number of High Speed Internet packages from which customers can choose the best package according to their needs. It provides up to 10 email accounts, faster performance with PowerBoost and free Anti-spam and Firewall.

"As most of the TWC deals are limited period offers, people are unable to grab the best deals in time. There are only a few trusted online sources that offer all types of Time Warner cable TV, Internet and Home Phone deals, making it even difficult for customers. Moreover, it is likely impossible for customers to keep track of different Time Warner cable deal providers due to their hectic business schedules. To resolve all these issues, we are offering all types of Time Warner deals including TWC promotions, monthly plans and bundle deals," says a spokesperson for is a one stop shop for Time Warner cable special deals. If offers a comprehensive range of deals, monthly internet, cable TV &phone plans and more to offer great savings for customers.

"We update our deals and monthly plans on regular basis to offer up-to-date information about Time Warner cable deals. Our Time Warner Cable Bundle deals offers TV+ Internet+ Home Phone plans from only $99.99 /month for 12 months. If you don't require phone plan, you can choose Internet+ TV plan from only $84.90 /month for 12 months," adds the spokesperson

About is a one stop shop for a wide range Time Warner Cable Deals including bundle deals, daily deals, gift cards and more. It also offers monthly Cable TV, Internet and Home Phone plans to satisfy the expectation of the customers.

For more details, log on to:


Friday, December 21, 2012

SendThisFile extends business file transfer platform to iOS 6

SendThisFile® today is announcing iOS 6 compatibility with its online file transfer service. The recent update of iOS 6 allows SendThisFile business customers to send large files using the mobile Safari web browser, enabling SendThisFile compatibility with Apple iOS devices.

"Business customers can now use SendThisFile to transfer and send large files, such as videos and images, directly from mobile Safari," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "It's a great way for companies to extend the file transfer capability of their knowledge workers to mobile devices."

The Apple software update gives iOS users file access previously inaccessible to web-based services such as SendThisFile. Other popular SendThisFile features, including FileBoxes and Branded Upload Forms, are also fully compatible.

"With the new iOS update, our Branded Upload Forms help SendThisFile customers receive files from customers and partners using iPhones and iPads, greatly improving employee communications and productivity," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations.

SendThisFile plans to continue its platform expansion to meet today's rapidly evolving computing landscape. iOS 6 compatibility is available today to all SendThisFile customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.6 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Thursday, December 20, 2012

SendThisFile boosts security with 256-bit encryption

SendThisFile® today is announcing increased file security using 256-bit AES encryption security for its file sharing service.

The system update boosts file storage protection to all SendThisFile file servers, using military-grade encryption to improve privacy for SendThisFile customers.

"With 256-bit AES encryption, customers with highly sensitive data can now use SendThisFile to send large files," said Alex Hund, SendThisFile Senior Brand Manager. "This is particularly important to customers in highly regulated industries such as banking and legal, who must comply with both state and federal laws."

256-bit AES encryption protects files temporarily stored on SendThisFile file servers, which are used to distribute shared files. Once expired, files are automatically and securely removed from servers.

"A great benefit of our service is the automatic removal of files from files servers," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "Users never have to remember to remove files that are no longer being shared, greatly reducing time spent managing data."

256-bit AES encryption security allows SendThisFile to meet or exceed multiple regulations and standards including HIPAA, SAS70 Type II, SSAE 16, PCI DSS, and FIPS 140-2.

256-bit AES encryption security is automatically enabled and available today to all SendThisFile customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.6 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


SendThisFile achieves 99.995% service uptime

SendThisFile® today announces file transfer service uptime of 99.995%, allowing users to reliably send large files. Service uptime measures the time that a computer system has been functional and available for use. During the first 10 months of 2012 SendThisFile services, consisting of core infrastructure, website, database, and mail servers have achieved combined 99.995% uptime.

"When it comes to file transfers, reliability is paramount," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations. "Our customers rely on us to be available to when they need to send large files."

Service uptime not only indicates the reliability of a web-based service but is critical to supporting customers with business data needs.

"Many of our customers operate businesses that cannot be without a moment of service," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "That's why we dedicate ourselves to providing such a highly reliable service."

SendThisfile provides highly reliable file transfers to consumers and businesses using PCI/DSS compliant data servers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.6 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SendThisFile announces iOS6 compatibility

SendThisFile® today is announcing iOS 6 compatibility with its file sharing service. The iOS 6 update allows SendThisFile customers to send large files using the Safari web browser, making SendThisFile compatible with Apple iOS devices.

"With Safari on iOS 6, users can now use SendThisFile to send large files, such as videos and images, directly from the Photo Library on their iPhone or iPad," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "It's a great way to share the large HD home movies that we forget about because the files are so big."

Apple's new release gives iOS users file access to their photos and videos that were previously inaccessible to web-based services such as SendThisFile. Other SendThisFile features, such as FileBoxes and Branded Upload Forms, are also fully compatible.

SendThisFile customers can use Apple iOS 6 based devices to share files using SendThisFile's classic mode, which is enabled from within the file sending page on a signed-in account.

Classic file sending mode is available today to all SendThisFile customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.6 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Monday, December 10, 2012 Presents Smooth & Fast Vietnam Visa Processing Program at Affordable Rates has assured to support the aspiring Vietnam travelers with smooth and fast Vietnam visa program at affordable rates. The visa for Vietnam program from the company is called "Visa On Arrival Vietnam" and caters to both travel and business visa. The entire process would be conducted online.

The has been operating in the visa processing scene for around a decade now. "We are a locally owned firm working in the field for a considerable period with comprehensive knowledge and experience regarding visa processing for Vietnam. You can trust us on the very do's & don't s of Visa processing here and we are well aware of all the pertinent rules and regulations", declared an executive from the company. He stressed that since the travelers here are going to have their Vietnam visa online, they won't be needed to queue up at the Vietnam Embassy.

The Visa On Arrival Vietnam program is approved by Vietnam Government and is controlled through the Department of Vietnam Immigration.

While approached on their entire visa processing policy online, a major spokesperson from the company informed that they follow a very simple processing policy where the traveler is allowed to conduct the whole affair from his home only. As the travelers request for visa application from, the agency would send them the visa application form where the candidate would have to fill up his personal information including birth details, nationality, passport code and other data as needed by the company.

"As you fill up the application form and submit the fees, we will go on with our visa approval program. With us you are guaranteed to get the pre-approved letter within 24 hours or 2 days maximum. We will send the pre-approved letter to your email address so that you can take a print out from your home only. After taking the print out simply paste 2 passport pictures on the letter and take it with you to Vietnam", detailed the manager official from Added to it, he noted that their candidates can stamp their Vietnam visa on showing the pre-approved letter to visa office at the Vietnam airports.

To know further, visit


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Comcast Cable Announces Special Prices on Bundle Deals for New Customers

Great news for those looking for new cable connection - Comcast Cable has announced to provide with special prices on bundle deals for the new customers. The leading cable service company is offering TV, Voice & internet service together in a bundle package starting from 99USD/month for a year.

"We are celebrating the festive season with new cable deals and promotions which are really cost effective for our new customers. Our XFINITY cable package is your best pick for broadband internet, cable TV as well as the digital voice facilities. With us, you are guaranteed of great HD movie experience for several hours without paying outrageous charges for individual phone service, super-speed internet and digital cable services", stated an executive from the company, when speaking about their new Comcast special deals.

This reputed cable firm has come up with a number of special bundle Comcast deals for the season. There are 5 different bundle deals at offer from the company. The first one is called Triple Play deal where the customers would be getting all the 3 services at 99USD per month for twelve months. The next is HD Preferred package which comes at 119.99 USD per month for a year. The company manager also mentioned of their "Double Play TV plus Internet" package which charges 79.99 USD per month for 6 months and "TV Digital Starter and Voice" at 74.99 USD per month for six months.

"Other than these we have our Performance Internet and Voice package in as less as 39.99 USD per month for a year or 12 months", detailed the manager personnel, while elaborating on their Comcast promotions. Added to it, the customers would be getting a free of cost router, modem & 200 USD in the club rewards.

He further stressed that their super paced internet deals will allow the customers to download at a speed up till 15 Mbps given their PowerBoost technology. "We ensure a family friendly environ with our TV services that comes with Parental Controls free of cost", commented the media person.

The Comcast deals are available in Huston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, Sacramento, Portland and San Francisco. Interested customers can contact the 24/7 available company call centre to know about their local Comcast deals.

For more information, visit


Visa On Arrival Vietnam' Assures Convenient & Fast Vietnam Visa within Budget

The eager Vietnam travelers planning for visa processing have great news to rejoice with-'Visa on arrival Vietnam' has announced here to help the Vietnam travelers with convenient and fast Vietnam visa online and within budgeted price. The very visa program is an endeavor by is a locally owned company and its 'Visa On Arrival Vietnam' program is approved legally by the Vietnam Government. The program is reportedly under the control of Vietnam Immigration Section.

"Our Visa on Arrival Vietnam policy is meant to make Vietnam visa processing easier, quicker and convenient. With us you can have your visa processed online and in as little as a couple of days. Since we are available online the entire process can be conducted from your home only and there is no need to stand in the embassy queues", stated the spokesperson from the company while speaking about their new visa for Vietnam processing policy. He stressed that their 'Visa on Arrival Vietnam' process is meant to draw more and more travelers to the country and is an endeavor to exhibit the warm Vietnam hospitality.

Commenting about the visa processing, the spokesperson from the agency reported that the entire visa processing by them is carried out in 4 simple steps. First the traveler would be given an online form to fill up with required details. Then as he submits the form to the company site and pay off the needed payments, would start for visa processing. The company manager assured to send the pre-approval letter to the visa applicants within 48 hours maximum. The pre-approval letter would be sent to client's email-id.

"As you get the pre-approval letter through your email, your task is to download it and print it out and fill it up as per the directions given. You have to carry the letter on your Vietnam trip and as you arrive at the Vietnam airport you will find 'Landing Visa Office' where you can get your Vietnam visa stamped. It's this simple", explained an official from

To know further about visa processing from, log on to


Embrace the Shift Telesummit to Explore 'The Shift of 2012' Awakening to the New Consciousness

Embrace the Shift Telesummit gets ready to explore 'The Shift of 2012' on November 30th, December 1st & December 2nd. Shay Parker's Telesummit features the best American psychics & healers and includes expert lectures, psychic readings, healing sessions, and expert panel discussions. This telesummit also offers healing packages, eBook, MP3 downloads and discounted product packages from esteemed members of Shay Parker's Best American Psychics and Healers.

The Shift of 2012 is an Awakening that has been prophesied for ages, and has been called The Great Shift, The Planetary Ascension, The Quickening, An Evolutionary Leap and more recently as awakening to the New Consciousness.

"Are your emotions more intense lately? Is your body tensing up for no apparent reason? Are you experiencing a sense of anxiety? If your answer is yes, you may be experiencing Ascension Symptoms. It is a condition in which you start shifting from your current limited state to a higher vibration and level of consciousness, a state that is more spiritually evolved and is free from many of the individual and collective problems of our present existence," says a spokesperson for

Shay Parker, the Founder of Best American Psychics and Healers, is also a 5 year radio veteran. She is hosting 2 shows on CBS Radio.

"As we experience a shift from current limited state to a state of higher vibration, how do we navigate this shift? We will be discussing about this shift with our expert panelists in the Embrace the Shift Telesummit. Take part in this telesummit to know how to navigate this shift," adds the spokesperson

During the telesummit, topics such as power elements revealed through energy & healing, harmonious home for health, love & prosperity, navigating the shift with ease, Embrace the shift 'the law of neutrality', allow your light to shine and what to expect from 2012 shift will be discussed by expert panelists.

Shay interviews each Expert Panelist to reveal more about who they are and how they work to people finalize the best packages according to their unique needs. Embrace the Shift Telesummit offers a wide range of discounted lectures and packages from which you can choose the best package according to your needs.

About Embrace the Shift Telesummit:

Embrace the Shift Telesummit features the best American psychics & healers and includes expert lectures, psychic readings, healing sessions, and expert panel discussions.

For more details, log on to:


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

SendThisFile celebrates the company’s nine year anniversary

SendThisFile® today celebrates its nine year anniversary as an industry leader providing managed file transfers to millions of users.

As an early file sharing provider SendThisFile began providing a free way to send large files in October of 2003. After a rapid growth of new users, the service began accepting payments in early 2004, and many of these early customers are still SendThisFile customers today.

"Customer loyalty is one of our hallmarks," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "We go out of our way to exceed customer's expectations for both service and support."

During its nine years of operation, SendThisFile has grown it's service to include over 1.6 million users in over 160 countries worldwide. During this period of expansion, providing reliability has been a key success factor.

"While our growth has been impressive, we made strides to ensure a robust service that is able to handle the millions of transfer requests," said Sexton. "With a service uptime of over 99.995% during 2012, users can send large files reliably."

SendThisFile,Inc. is a world leader in providing managed file transfers and is committed to the success of customers who share and send large files online. Since 2003, SendThisFile has delivered robust file management service built on a tradition of integrity and trust.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


New Website Offers Comprehensive Information on Commercial Property in TECOM Business Parks

Companies or entrepreneurs looking to set-up business in Dubai can easily find information on business incorporation and commercial space in Dubai through the newly launched website -

The website lists commercial real estate available within TECOM Business Parks (TBP), a leading platform for free zone companies in Dubai. TBP has developed around 10.8 million square feet of business space in Dubai and supported over 4500 international, local and regional businesses to incorporate in the UAE over the past 10 years in sectors such as ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Education, Media, Sciences and, Manufacturing and Logistics.

Commercial real estate listed on include land in Dubai, corporate office space in Dubai ranging from full buildings for regional headquarters to serviced offices for freelancers, industry specific facilities such as studios for movie production companies, campuses for universities, laboratories for firms engaged in scientific initiatives, storage in Dubai and labour accommodation for manufacturing and logistics companies.

TBP operates 12 business centers in Dubai featuring well-furnished and ready-to-use offices that offer flexibility, affordability and eco-friendly standards. TBP's office spaces are located around the major business districts of the city and in proximity to amenities needed for an international commercial lifestyle.

Storage products offered include Dubai warehouses that are strategically located to offer companies with centralized storage facility along with distribution amenities. TBP has around three million square feet of open-yard storage suitable for stocking construction materials, automobiles and equipments. Other offerings from TBP's Dubai properties portfolio include spaces for Dubai retailers and showrooms in Dubai for rent.

TBP's properties are located in Dubai Internet City, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai Media City, Dubai Biotechnology and Research Park, International Media Production Zone, Dubai Studio City, Dubai International Academic City, Dubai Outsource Zone and Dubai Industrial City. All of TBP's properties are strategically situated with close connections to major sea ports, airport, roadways and popular mixed-use developments.

For more information, log on to


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Assures Simple & Swift Vietnam Visa Processing at Cheap Rates has reportedly come up with simple and swift Vietnam visa processing at highly affordable rates. The visa to Vietnam program is called "Visa On Arrival Vietnam" which is entirely carried out online.

"With us there's no need to worry about your Vietnam visa issues since we are presenting with a highly convenient visa processing for your Vietnam visit, either for business or travel. We have our 'Visa on Arrival Vietnam" program where the travelers can have their visa processed online simply from the home and post processing get their visa stamped on arrival at the Vietnam airport", the company spokesperson stated, adding that they are a credible name in the scene of Vietnam visa online working for a decade now. "Moreover, if you are skeptical about the worth of our visa program it's to mention that the 'Visa On Arrival Vietnam' is legally accepted by the Vietnam government and controlled through the Division of Vietnam Immigration.

The firm manager detailed about the visa processing steps. As soon as the candidate requests for visa application from over the net, the agency would send a visa application form to his e-mail id. In case of any queries, the customers are requested to email their questions to the company site on which the officials assured to respond back within a couple of business hours.

"After you mail back the application form with the required personal details, the next step is to pay for a visa processing fee which is really affordable. Now, we will proceed with visa processing and with us you are always guaranteed to have the pre-approval visa letter by 24 hours usually and not exceeding 48 hours. Your job is to take a print out of the letter and carry it to the Vietnam airport where you will have it stamped", elaborated an official from The official further emphasized that their candidates can stamp their visas from all the major Vietnam airports like Noibai airport, Tan Son Nhat airport & Dananag airport.

The also announced of 100 percent refund in case of visa denial on their mistake. For more, go to


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mayor Allen Turns Rapper with the Release of his New Single This Season

Mayor Allen has reportedly turned rapper with the release of his new solo single "Ring The Bells" this season. Allen, the former politician who ran for the mayor of Washington D.C. in 2010 and is also the alleged third crasher in Epic State Dinner for Obama is now making excellent music.

After his first bid as the D.C. Mayor in 2010, Mayor Allen aka Carlos Allen quickly shifted his focus from the political world and launched his musical career at the first quarter of this year in January 2012. Presently he is concentrating as a songwriter, musician and singer of well-crafted, moody, atmospheric, dance, social rap. His first single is "Party All Night Long" which is included in his new album, Mayor Allen Vol.1. Allen is also on his way of releasing his new "Party All Night Long" video very soon in November.

"Allen's 'Ring The Bell' brings up the social Heaven adorned with textural soundscapes & authentic cinematic soundtracks which backs Allen's incredible hooks, in contrast to the appealing yet more glossy tones of his primary musical efforts", noted Allen's spokesperson . He described Allen's music as eclectic with a more personal touch and stressed that this would be Allen's finest work of his career post to date. Before starting his career in songwriting and music, Carol Allen laid his hands on entrepreneurship and politics. Currently the former Washington politician is a big entrepreneur, rapper, songwriter, producer and arranger.

The other singles from the politician turned rapper include "NaNaNa" which reportedly reflects the singer's rich warm voice crooning steadily and sympathetically with some shading elements. On further questions, Allen's manager revealed about "Beep Beep Beep" which as per his statement is composed with a pop and slight dub step hip hop feel. "The song continues the long association of bridging the genres", added the manager while commenting on the track. "It's the perfect time for Allen to reacquaint himself with a new set of audience with his superlative song craft, epic hooks and sparkling production".

For more information on Allen's new single, log on to


Monday, November 19, 2012

It's Raining Discounts at This Las Vegas Moving Company

If you're in Las Vegas and planning to move, here's an offer that you simply can't ignore. Oasis Moving, a Las Vegas based moving company has announced a series of discounts to woo customers. To get a detailed list of these offers, users have to fill in the Free Quote Form on their website. Staff at this AMSA approved company shall offer immediate response to a request for offers. Some of these available offers include free boxes with move, $50 off on long distance move from Las Vegas, first month storage free, and even special discounts for seniors and those in the military.

Among the services provided by the Company includes packing, storage, and insurance. Besides household moving, they also help with corporate relocation, interstate moving, and even help with local moving by offering trucks, men, boxes, etc.

"We're a company with a nationwide presence and a state-of-the-art fleet of moving trucks and offer personalized service to all our customers irrespective of the volume of the service provided," says the spokesperson at Oasis Moving. They also help with moving supplies like boxes, bubble wraps, plastic covers, shrink wraps, etc. The company wears its 'green friendly' tag very proudly and offers only recycled boxes.

Moving homes can be a very stressful job for those who don't find the right professional. There are a hundred things to pack (and later unpack), paperwork, dealing with the things that you don't intend to move, arranging them once you've settled… and the list goes on. It makes sense to employ a professionally managed company that follows industry set standards and can help you ease the pain whilst moving.

Oasis Moving is not only approved by the AMSA, it has also partnered with Moving Insurance, the US Movers Association, and the Las Vegas High Rise and Condominium Association, besides being licensed and insured.

About Oasis Moving: This is a Las Vegas based moving company that has offers a wide range of moving, packing, storage and insurance services to those looking to move to and in and around Las Vegas.

To know more, visit,



Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vietnam Visa Seems Easiest, Fastest and Cheapest with

For those planning for a Vietnam visit but worried about visa issues seem to have the ideal solution- has assured to provide the eager Vietnam travelers with easiest, cheapest, fastest as well as a highly credible Vietnam visa service.

Vietnam Immigration is a web based Vietnam Government approved company under the control of Vietnam Immigration Division. "We are offering our 'Visa on Arrival Vietnam' service with the mission to support the interested Vietnam travelers with a fast, quick and hassle free visa service which is accessible from your home only. We make sure to save your money and time and with us there's no need for you to stand waiting in long queues", stated an executive from the Vietnam visa online company. "We assure of a 24 hours or maximum 48 hours of processing time and competitive pricing as well with no hidden charges".

While approached further the company manager mentioned that they have been operating in the industry for nearly ten decades now and thus is extensively knowledgeable in arranging for the Vietnam visas with complete data on the rules & regulations regarding Vietnam visa application. The visa process here goes through 4 steps- the first step includes filling up an online form on part of the tourist with all the needed personal information which would be submitted by the company to the Vietnam Immigration or Vietnam Embassy Department to attain the approval letter document for Vietnam visa. It's followed by the payment of service fee and mailing of approval letter with 1-2 days to the client through email.

"As you get the approval letter you would need to download it and fill it up as required. Now, as you arrive in Vietnam, just head to the airport "landing visa office" & get the visa stamped. You can also have it stamped at Vietnam embassy", added the company manager while detailing about their visa processing steps.

Presently Vietnam Immigration is offering a 15 percent discount on its business and tourist visa services. For any further information on visa processing through, visit


SendThisFile brings file sharing to Google Chrome for mobile

SendThisFile® today is announcing full compatibility with Google's mobile Chrome browser, expanding access to millions of users on Android, and iOS devices.

"We are very happy to provide additional browser support of our service whenever possible," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "With support for Google Chrome for mobile, one of the world's most popular mobile web browsers, we are able to further extend our service to additional devices and users."

While Android users have long been able to send large files using SendThisFile's file sharing service, the introduction of Chrome browser on iOS 6 enables millions of iPhone and iPad users to send large files that are too big for email.

"Apple phone and tablet users will find Chrome compatibility particularly useful," said Sexton. "iOS users now can access their photo and video libraries without connecting to their computers or using proprietary OS services to send large files."

Google Chrome browser compatibility is available today to all SendThisFile customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Monday, November 5, 2012

SendThisFile boosts file sharing capacity 43 percent

SendThisFile® today is announcing it has increased file sharing capacity over 43 percent to meet demand for its online file sharing service.

"Due to our tremendous growth, we have expanded our file serving capacity 43% over previous levels," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations. "It's a strong indicator that customers are finding value in our service."

Traditionally, maintaining a high quality of service during a period of rapidly increasing demand can be challenging. However, SendThisFile's service is designed for flexibility.

"Our service architecture is very robust, and is designed for rapid scalability," said Stephens. "This allows us to quickly add server hardware to meet demand while it is being generated, without compromising our high service quality."

The addition of new server hardware positions SendThisFile for continued growth, allowing the service to handle simultaneous file sharing requests as the service continues to expand.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

For more details visit:


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bowler's Paradise Is The Perfect Online Resource For Bowling Gear

It's no secret that America and much of the world enjoy bowling as a popular pastime. In fact, millions of people go bowling every week and thrive on the fun and exercise it provides. Some even take it a step further and compete in local bowling leagues for cash and prizes. Regardless of how serious a person is about bowling, it's important to use legitimate bowling balls and bowling shoes. Doing so helps puts a person in a better position to bowl better and consistently using the same gear often helps bowlers enhance their overall game. Unfortunately, not everyone has the money to pay for costs of bowling gear. There is also the problem of finding the type of gear that a person is looking for in many retail stores or bowling shops. Many times, the selection of retailers is limited and prices are inflated.

That's where an online resource like Bowlers Paradise comes in. This company offers a fantastic online store that has thousands of items in stock and offers some of the lowest prices around. In fact, the majority of products they carry well under normal retail price with several being 50% off. No matter what type of bowling balls you are looking for, you can find them here. Their full line of items includes products like the Storm Bowling Ball, the Storm Vivid Bowling Ball and the Brunswick Flash Players 3 Black and Navy Bowling Bag. There are even a couple of balls where you can buy one and get one free.

When it comes to bowling shoes, this online store carries just about any type a casual or serious bowler is looking for. Whether you're looking for universal shoes that accommodate both right and left handed bowlers or professional shoes with adjustable slides, you can find them at Bowlers Paradise for a low price. In fact, there are several high quality, name brand shoes in stock for under $30.

Besides this, this store has nearly any other type of bowling gear you could need. This includes bowling bags, gloves, towels, ball inserts and ball cleaners. There is even a selection of instructional DVDs and books that will help beginners quickly accelerate their game.

About Bowlers Paradise

Bowlers Paradise provides bowling enthusiasts with some of the best name brand gear for very affordable prices. Here visitors can search through an extensive list of bowling products and get decked out in one convenient order. For more information please click here


Monday, October 22, 2012 Has an Impressive Range of Bowling Balls and More

Like the citizens of most countries, Americans love their sports. Some people love a Super Bowl party with the game on a big screen TV. Others may watch the World Series with friends at the local bar. Still others swarm to the track to see their favorite NASCAR superstars hit breakneck speeds. Watching highly trained athletes reach new heights of excellence is part of the American culture. However, America is also a country of doers. It's not enough just to spectate, to watch others have all the fun and get all the glory. We also like to get up and show what we are made of. When it comes to actually stepping up and performing, bowling is our number one choice. When it comes to physical participation, Americans are more likely to grab a bowling ball than a basketball or hockey stick.

The fact that bowling is America's most popular participant sport sometimes surprises folks - until they think about it. Then it makes sense. Bowling is one of the most accessible sports ever invented. It can be played by almost anyone, in almost any town. It's hard to find a town that does not have at least one bowling center, with bowling shoes and bowling balls ready to be used by eager visitors. People with physical limitations, injuries, learning disabilities, the very young, the very old… almost anyone can bowl.

One of the greatest developments in the popularity of bowling is the creation of excellent online suppliers like makes it very convenient and affordable for bowlers of all levels of experience to buy anything and everything they need to maximize their performance and enjoyment of the game. This site's selection of bowling balls, bowling bags, and bowling accessories is almost overwhelming. Fortunately, their well-organized, user-friendly layout helps shoppers to easily navigate their huge range of impressive discounts. For instance, anyone seeking inexpensive 900Global bowling balls or Roto Grip bowling balls for sale will be able to find these high performance balls in just seconds. This site also makes gift giving easy. When it comes time to buy for a bowler, you may not always know his or her preferences and specifications for bowling balls or shoes, but it's easy to find bowling towels, bowling bags, apparel, novelties, and other great bowling-related presents with styles to match just about anyone's taste. As it becomes easier and more enjoyable for people to shop online for bowling gear, this trend is likely to increase the popularity of bowling even more, allowing recreational bowlers to enjoy the game to its fullest, and to show the world how stylish and fun bowling merchandise can be.

About offers an impressive selection of bowling equipment, including a huge range of bowling balls, bowling bags, bowling apparel, gloves, cleaners, inserts, and more. They provide all of their bowling gear at very large discounts, sometimes a fraction of usual retail price. For more information, please visit


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SendThisFile's gives users total customization over Branded Forms

SendThisFile® today is announcing the ability to easily configure the content and layout of Branded Forms.

Branded Forms allow SendThisFile customers to embed file sending capabilities into their public website or private intranet, allowing visitors to upload and send large files from a web browser without special software.

Branded Form owners can add customized input fields, including pre-filled drop down lists. Customers can also add special text, and craft a unique user experience with custom response messages for required fields.

"Branded Forms are a very popular tool for our business customers," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations. "By allowing customers to customize Branded Forms, customers can create their own user experience."

Once the elements of the Branded Form have been created, customers can use the new Easy Layout editing mode with drag-and-drop editing to place the elements on the page in the location and order they desire.

"With our Easy Layout editing mode, our customers can quickly configure their Branded Form to get the look they want," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "Easy Layout is fast and easy to use."

Branded Form customization with Easy Layout is available today to all SendThisFile Enterprise Plan customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Friday, October 12, 2012 Celebrates a Decade of Snow Geese Hunting With 25% Off on all Guided Hunts

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service have announced the snow goose flight forecast for spring 2013. Reports indicate that their numbers are going to be far more than biologists would like them to be. Encouraged by the forecast, has announced a 25 discount on all snow goose hunts from the middle of February to the middle of March. Thus, their standard daily rate of $170/ hunter is now reduced to $125 each for a group of five hunters. This offer is announced to celebrate the Company's tenth anniversary.

The Missouri snow geese hunting season begins in February in the extreme south eastern parts of Missouri amidst the rich rice fields. And from there, the geese fly northwards. The season ends in North West Missouri around mid March near Squaw Creek NWR. Besides the thousands of acres in these areas, Show Me Snow Geese has added thousands of acres in private land this year, in the Bottom Grounds of the Golden Triangle Region along with the Missouri river where an estimated 5 million of these waterfowls stage.

We start accepting reservations for 2013 spring snow goose hunts at this time of the year. If waterfowl hunting is on your list, make sure you book in advance…February dates are booked really fast," says a spokesperson at Show Me Snow Geese.

Over the years, they have improved their skills and have tried several kinds of decoys and equipments to ensure a memorable waterfowl hunt. Every snow goose hunting team is outfitted with a large decoy spread of their specially designed windsocks and full body decoys, as well as Herter's floating snow goose decoys. They also employ a vast library of sounds to help you in the hunting.

"We continue to remain a small and friendly business and prefer a group of 6 hunters/ trip. But sometimes a larger group of hunters (up to 10 members) can be setup on request. You can also prefer to come in singles or doubles," adds the spokesperson.

Show Me Snow Geese: This is a Missouri resident based waterfowl hunting service that provides duck, snow goose, and other waterfowl hunting across the State.

To know more, visit,


Thursday, October 11, 2012 Offers High Quality Hot Tub Covers At Affordable Rates, a Canadian based business that specializes in replacing old hot tub cover offers high quality hot tub covers at affordable rates. All the covers are backed with a 5 year no hassle warranty and are manufactured using top quality marine grade vinyl that are weather resistant.

"Is your hot tub's heating ability gradually decreasing? Check out its cover to enhance its lifespan and reduce your energy bills effectively. Generally, old hot tub covers are mainly responsible for hot tub's heating inability, as ineffective covers let heat to escape easily through the top. Most often, homeowners are unaware of such issues and will keep on operating their hot tubs for several hours which will not just increase their energy bills but will damage the hot tub gradually. To resolve such hot tub issues, we offer high quality hot tub covers that are made using highest grade marine vinyl and polymatic UVR thread, with 30 points of reinforced stitching at the high stress areas to make them extremely durable," says a spokesperson for

When choosing hot tub covers, homeowners need to have an exact measurement of their existing hot tub cover to find an apt one. Improper hot tub cover will allow heat to escape through the top. Besides, covers need to be made from high quality materials such as vinyl to withstand extreme weather conditions and sun's UV rays.

Now, offers a simple spa cover measurement tool to determine the exact measurement of old hot tub cover. It offers a wide range of high quality hot tub spa covers including classic 3" - 2" tapered hot tub cover, signature 4" - 3" tapered hot tub cover and ultimate 5" - 4" tapered hot tub cover. Classic model is affordable and has an R rating of 13, while signature model has an R rating of 15 and is designed for harsher and colder winter climates and the ultimate model has higher R rating of 17.5 and is designed for worst winter climates

"All our hot tub covers are manufactured using high quality dense foam that provides strength and resistance against water damage. Now, you can also design your own hot tub cover using our designing tools," adds the spokesperson.

About is a Canadian based business that specializes in replacing old hot tub covers with new one. It offers high quality Abbotsford hot tub covers according to the expectation of the customers.

For more details, log on to:



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Langley Costume Business Reveals the 2012 Halloween Season Theme Of Choice for Most Consumers

Looking for the scariest Halloween costume for the upcoming Halloween party? According to Tanya Nahal, the owner of Hallowville Manor in Langley, BC, this year shows an increased interest in the end-of-the-world themed costumes, likely due to the ending of Mayan calendar on December 21st 2012.

"Zombies in particular seem to be a wanted item this year", says Ms. Nahal who has recently announced the arrival of some of the most exciting range of costumes and gift items, designed specifically for Halloween season. "Plenty of end-of-the-world themed parties are being organized this year with dead people turning into zombies and coming back to life because 2012 is the year when the Mayan calendar ends".

But this doesn't come as surprise to this Langley entrepreneur - "...the surge of zombie-apocalypse chatter on the web this year, especially when combined with the much anticipated 2012 [Mayan] calendar end, practically secured the theme for this season, months ahead of October", says Nahal.

Hallowville Manor has been offering their unique collection of Halloween items since the inception of the business in the year 2001. The store presently offers a stock of a whopping 1,700 unique costumes that are available for rent and purchase.

In addition to their enviable collection of Halloween costumes, the locally-made Pumpkin Hats are always a sought-after item at Hallowville Manor. Other just arrived Halloween items in the store include different types of contact lenses, special effect make up, animated props, masks, puppets, skeletons and ghouls, zombies and much more. The arrival of the special Halloween items this year is in anticipation of a special Halloween celebration.

The credit behind the illustrious journey of Hallowville Manor can certainly be attributed to its charismatic owner and founder Tanya Nahal. She had an irresistible fascination for the Halloween season since the days of her childhood. Talking about her decision to start this business, she says, "I began to make costumes for family and friends that became more complex as my experience and confidence grew. It became normal for me to host parties with graves, coffins and a many other forms of seasonal novelties every Halloween with a large number of costumes being my own creations. It was around this time that I started to seriously dream about operating and owning my own costume business".

About Hallowville Manor:

Hallowville Manor is a Langley costume shop that has achieved acclaim throughout the region for their unique collection of Halloween costumes and pinup clothing. The eminent store has been offering a wide range of costumes and other decorations since more than a decade. The store has just announced the arrival of special Halloween items for the year at their website


Tanya Nahal
Hallowville Manor
Phone: 604-533-9556
Address: 20568-56th Ave, Langley


Friday, October 5, 2012

SendThisFile's Branded Forms give users total access control

SendThisFile® today is announcing the ability to create administrators unique to each Branded Form. A user with administrator privileges is able to manage who can access and use a Branded Form to send large files.

Branded Forms allow SendThisFile customers to embed file sending capabilities into their public website or private intranet, allowing visitors to upload and send large files from a web browser without special software.

Branded Form administrators have the ability to add and remove users, set user passwords, and export file transfer logs.

"Branded Forms are often used for different purposes and scenarios, each with their own stakeholders," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations. "By allowing configurable administrators for each Branded Form, customers can use one account for a multitude of different projects and purposes."

Administrators are managed by the Branded Form owner, who can configure or delete a Branded Form.

"Customers also like the flexibility to have multiple individuals manage a Branded Form's users," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "This gives customers the ability to have redundancy and to divide workload if their user base is large."

Branded Form Administrators is a feature that is available today to all SendThisFile Enterprise Plan customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Grow Plumbing Releases Easy to Use Fuss Free E-Manager For Plumbers

Managing a business was never so easy for plumbers. Grow Plumbing- the internet marketing company dedicated to help plumbers generate leads and land plumbing projects has now introduced the Plumbing Manager.

This web based, iPhone and Android app is designed to automate a plumber's business and takes care of everything including tracking the workflow of a phone call, managing plumbing estimates, jobs, and handling payments.

Some of the features of the app include:

It gives a consolidated view of the company- across branches and offices

LIVE MAP view of the entire team

View and manage team schedules in real time

Assign jobs directly to teams via phone

Send invoices to customers and collect payment

Prepare real time reports

The way it works is pretty simple. When a customer calls, the attendant who answers the call puts it in the attendant dashboard and enters the ZIP code of the person calling. And if the customer is an existing one, the dashboard is pre-populated with the required information. Using a geo locator the attendant is able to locate the area of the person and identify the technicians closest to the customer. He then fixes an appointment with the customer and enters this into the technician's schedule. This schedule goes to the plumber through an iPhone or Android device and the confirmation of this is sent to the customer. The technician gets direction to the location through Google Maps, completes the job, works out the invoice and sends an email (and the receipt) to the customer. Once the job's done, the technician becomes available for his next assignment and this is indicated by color codes. The management can track performance of technicians, track resources that generate returns, check inventory and invoice etc.

"Even with its sophisticated mechanism, the app is easy to use and does not need a software or training. You don't have to customize- it's a one click download and install," says the spokesperson at Grow Plumbing.

About Grow Plumbing: Grow Plumbing is an internet marketing company that helps plumbers manage their business effectively through marketing resources, software, etc.

To know more, visit,


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ecommerce marketing for this Christmas is ready – SubmitINme launches fully loaded eCommerce SEO

We are just 2 months behind another wonderful winter holiday season. However, it's Christmas already for the eCommerce stores. The holiday season is when people spend the most in eCommerce shopping and so it's high time that effective marketing is done to highlight the stores in the search results and social media. "Ecommerce shopping trend is skyrocketing. Along with the rising trend, the number of eCommerce shopping sites has seen a catalyst growth. Statistics indicate that eCommerce spending is to rise by 16% compared to the previous year. Now we have the trend so, all we need to do is to highlight the eCommerce stores to the potential customers. This is where our all new eCommerce SEO package comes in" says Elwinston, the Market Analyst of SubmitINme

According to Geno Thampi who strategized the new eCommerce SEO package for 2012, putting together a successful eCommerce marketing strategy for this season was challenging than ever before. He said"We had to take several factors into consideration, such as the series of Google panda and the most recent Google penguin updates. Content marketing is the backbone of eCommerce SEO. With the series of panda updates we needed to completely redefine the conventional content marketing strategies used for eCommerce promotion. All the strategies used within this turnkey package are exclusively framed for promoting eCommerce websites which helps to get organic links from relevant websites. The relevancy of the links obtained along with the organic nature of promotion makes sure that this SEO package is Google penguin safe."

He added that, "This eCommerce marketing strategy is not just for the Christmas. We have made sure that anyone spending on this SEO package would get a wise investment. Onpage SEO, page speed, integration of shcema and all the necessary setups needed for effective and continuous SEO and social media marketing is included in this package. The onetime tasks done in the first month is indispensable for any eCommerce website that needs to highlight online."

This fully loaded eCommerce SEO package is aimed at a continuous promotion for 3 months making it the ideal choice for Christmas marketing, continuous search engine visibility and increased sales for 2013 as well. The promised results are increased organic traffic, search engine rankings and social media visibility. SubmitINMe has a proven track record in eCommerce marketing during 2011 with their exclusive eCommerce SEO package. This year, they have completely revamped the package an simply made it the best

About SubmitINme

Submitinme is a professional SEO company based in India, operating since 2012. They are specialists in eCommerce marketing and local business SEO. For more information about the newly launched eCommerce SEO package, visit


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Offers A Diverse Selection Including Bowling Balls, Shoes, and Bowling Gear

It's no secret that bowling is a popular sport. In fact, millions of people in the United States and all over the world go bowling on a regular basis. Some are even members of bowling leagues and compete for cash and prizes. Thanks to increased television coverage, it's likely that the sport will continue to grow even further into the future. While rented gear from a local bowling alley is often sufficient for casual bowlers, those who are serious about the sport will want to buy their own gear. Doing so not only adds an element of legitimacy, it should also provide comfort and help improve a bowler's game. This is primarily due to the level of customization that can be achieved by having one's own gear.

While it's possible to find some items at a local bowling retail shop, the selection is often limited and overpriced. This is especially true in smaller markets where retailers can drive up costs because of a lack of competition. Fortunately, a website called can help match bowlers up with type of gear they need at a fraction of the price. Their large volume of inventory allows them to offer name brand bowling balls and other equipment like shoes, bags, gloves and towels for significantly less than most retailers. In fact, some products are up to 50% off the normal retail price. For individuals who are just getting started, there is even a selection of instructional videos and books that can help novices improve their game.

Along with this, their great looking website makes it easy for bowlers of all skill sets to quickly find the products they are looking for. Each type of product is clearly listed on the sidebar which makes navigation a breeze. Most products also come with detailed descriptions and reviews to provide individuals with as much information as possible to make an informed choice before buying. This way, customers can get a better idea of each product's pros and cons without having to conduct their own research. Even with minimal bowling knowledge, customers can order a bowling ball, shoes a glove and any other accessories quickly and conveniently. They even offer a drilling service so bowling balls contour to each bowler's natural grip. Basically, is a one stop shop to find all the gear a person needs without the hassle and high prices that are common with retailers.

About is one of the best online resources for bowling gear and accessories. This website carries a large variety of bowling balls, bowling shoes, bags, gloves and other items. The reasonable pricing allows almost everyone to the high quality gear that professional bowlers have. For more information please visit


SendThisFile frees user data with exportable file transfer reports

SendThisFile® today is announcing the ability to export file transfer activity logs for Custom Upload Forms.

Custom Upload Forms allow SendThisFile customers to embed file sending capabilities into their public website or private intranet, allowing visitors to upload and send large files from the web browser without special software. SendThisFile's Enterprise plans include a powerful Transfer Log reporting option, allowing customers to monitor and record user activity within Custom Upload Forms.

"Transfer Log reporting was a highly requested auditing feature from our Enterprise customers," said John Stephens, SendThisFile VP of Operations. "Now detailed records can be easily generated for record keeping."

Transfer Logs can be exported in either Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF format. Users can choose to record file uploads and downloads for any month since the Custom Upload Form was created. Each time a user chooses to send large files with a Custom Upload Form, the date, file size, file name, sender and recipient email addresses are recorded.

"Many of our customers operate in heavily regulated industries and environments that require detailed record keeping," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile VP of Business Development. "By offering the ability to create records for auditing using popular file formats, we solve their problem without tying them to a proprietary system."

Transfer Logs reporting is available today to all SendThisFile Enterprise Plan customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Bowlers Paradise Is the Perfect Resource for Bowling Shoes, Bowling Balls, and Bowling Gear

Of all the sports/recreational activities in the world, bowling is extremely popular and is enjoyed by millions of people of all ages. Even though it takes years to compete on the professional level, almost anyone can learn the basics within in a short period of time. Regardless of whether it's for fun or for competition, bowling is a great way to unwind and have fun. While many casual bowlers who bowl infrequently choose to rent equipment, it's often beneficial to purchase your own custom gear.

This is true for a few reasons. First of all, you can achieve a level of consistency when you use the same bowling balls and shoes. Rather than renting different equipment every time you go bowling, you can get familiar with your own gear. Second, you can get your gear customized which means that your shoes will be more comfortable and the ball will fit your natural grip. This leads to the third reason which is improved performance. By using high quality, custom bowling gear, it should help you bowl better and increase your score. Rather than using rented, pre-used bowling balls that may be chipped or damaged, you can use your own ball and keep it in great condition. Also the shoes that many bowling lanes offer have been worn by countless people and don't usually have the features that professional bowling shoes do. By getting your own shoes, they will fit you just right and be more comfortable. Along with this, many pro shoes have slides that can be adjusted to match lane conditions.

While there are numerous retail shops to buy bowling gear, it's easy to overpay and you're often stuck with limited choices. Fortunately, Bowlers Paradise is an excellent online resource for finding a plethora of gear that you can't always find in retail stores. Whether you're looking for balls, shoes, bowling bags, gloves, towels, cleaners or anything else, you can find it there. In fact, Bowlers Paradise has thousands of items in stock with many being well under retail cost. Their easy to use website makes it simple to find the gear you're looking for and even provides you with information like in depth product information and reviews. This way you can get decked out with high quality, name brand bowling gear with one easy order.

About Bowlers Paradise

Bowlers Paradise has a massive list of bowling gear and helps bowlers of all abilities find the products they are looking for. It's also perfect for finding information about different brands of bowling balls and other gear. For more information please visit


Monday, September 24, 2012

SendThisFile releases plug-in application for Outlook users

SendThisFile® today is announcing a new plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2010 email users. SendThisFile's plug-in enables Windows users to send large files directly from Outlook email program without having to switch to a different program or website.

"The Outlook plug-in we are providing extends our service beyond the web and into the world's most popular email program," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile's Vice President of Business Development. "Businesses and Enterprise-level customers are heavy users of Microsoft Outlook, and need an easy way to send large files on their established platform."

To reduce costs, many companies and Internet web services limit the size of email attachments. Due to the nature of email, file attachments are duplicated on file servers for each person receiving the file. For instance, a one gigabyte file attachment is emailed from one person to two others, three gigabytes of storage on an email file server are consumed. Without email file attachment size restrictions, email file servers can quickly fill up, compelling a rapidly growing need for more file storage and staff to manage the expanding network.

SendThisFile saves its customers from having to use up their valuable bandwidth, storage and support personnel resources to manage their file sending. SendThisFile users upload files which are temporarily hosted on secure SendThisFile file servers, which can then be used to download, providing an affordable and secure way to send large email attachments and files.

The Microsoft Outlook plug-in provided by SendThisFile automatically detects a large file in an outgoing email, uploads the file to SendThisFile, replaces the file attachment with a download link in the original email, and sends the email to your recipient(s). While the file is uploading, users can monitor the file upload completion status. Other Outlook plug-in options include download receipts, and email templates.

"Our plug-in gives Windows users complete control over their file sending experience in Outlook 2010, Microsoft's latest version, and provides the same great features that our users expect," said John Stephens, SendThisFile Vice President of Operations.

The Microsoft Outlook 2010 plug-in is available today on SendThisFile's website at


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sports Venue Padding - Serious About Outdoor Wall Padding & Player Safety

Sports Venue Padding's CEO Troy Robinson has been selected as the committee technical expert for the setting of standard specifications for Outdoor Wall Padding needed for qualifications of construction designs for the American Society of Testing Materials. The users of this Standard will be architect and engineering firms, facility owners and operators. This committee's goal is to develop standards that provide impact safety for athletes that may come into contact with outdoor wall padding and to establish materials that will give facility owners durable long term service.

ASTM International is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Founded in 1898, today some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, facilitate market access and trade, and build confidence. ASTM's leadership in international standards development is driven by the contributions of its members; more than 30,000 of the world's top technical experts and business professionals representing 135 countries. Working in an open and transparent process and using ASTM's advanced electronic infrastructure. ASTM members deliver the test methods, specifications, guides and practices that support industries and governments worldwide.

Sports Venue Padding by Artistic Coverings is a leader in the design of safety sports padding products located in Los Angeles, California. The company evaluates designs, fabricates and installs padding nationwide to provide protection for players while maintaining a beautiful finish of venue walls.

In addition Sports Venue Padding works with teams and facility owners to produce and install sponsor or team advertising through a digitally integrated printing system. Fifteen of the thirty Major League Baseball teams have worked on wall padding and rail padding projects in the last 18 to 24 months. Including the New York Mets who moved in their outfield fences at Citi Field just prior to the 2012 Season Opening Games.

Products include Outfield Wall Padding, Dug-out Rail Padding, Goal Post, Scoreboard Post and Outdoor Light Pole Padding, Batter's Eye Screen, Fencing Windscreen, Banners and Indoor Gymnasium Wall Padding.

Sports Venue Padding serves professional sports teams/facilities, universities/colleges, high schools, military sports facilities, recreation centers nationwide, YMCA's and health/fitness clubs.

For more details visit:


SendThisFile enables users to brand email

SendThisFile®today is announcing that users are able to create custom email templates to match their brand.

SendThisFile lets users send large files by sharing download links. Through each step of the file sending process, file notifications alert the user and the user's file recipients to different events. SendThisFile lets customers create unique email templates and full HTML and text customization for each type of file notification, allowing for full control over the experience.

"With custom email templates, our customers can create a seamless experience that matches their brand," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile's VP of Business Development. "Thanks to custom email templates, customers can essentially rebrand our file transfer service as if it was their own."

Custom email templates allow customers to choose between HTML and plain text email, insert images, and modify the copy for nine unique email events. Customers can even choose to modify the header and footer, choosing to remove SendThisFile branding completely. Now when a customer chooses to send large files, the user gets the experience that best fits their needs.

"Many companies, particularly businesses, appreciate the flexibility of our service's approach to branding," said John Sexton, SendThisFile's VP of Operations. "With custom email templates, our customers are able to capitalize on what makes their business unique."

Custom email templates are available today to SendThisFile Business, Enterprise, and Dedicated Server plan customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information:


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Small Screen Producer Launches Lone Star Seal Web Presence

Houston-based digital media and inbound marketing agency, Small Screen Producer, has launched an updated total web presence for Lone Star Seal, a Houston-based seal and mastic company, including a new website, branded social media, a business profile video, and an integrated blog.

Small Screen Producer created a strategic website for Lone Star Seal equipped with shareable photo galleries with a Facebook "like" button integration on each photo. The integrated blog allows Lone Star Seal to educate their customers on their products and services and to answer timely frequently asked questions. In addition to a website, Small Screen Producer built and branded Facebook and YouTube accounts for added brand awareness and lead generation.

Small Screen Producer created a professional business profile video for Lone Star Seal featuring before and after shots of their seal and mastic work. The professional voiceover combined with educational photos lend for a simple, yet engaging explanation of the services offered by Lone Star Seal. The video is housed on YouTube for a shareable, search engine friendly venue and embedded on the Lone Star Seal website. Within YouTube, Small Screen Producer added valuable keywords, title tags and citations to increase Lone Star Seal's search engine visibility.

About Small Screen Producer

Small Screen Producer helps businesses reach their full potential and achieve their sales and marketing goals by creating searchable, socially shareable and viral content.

For more information on Small Screen Producer's other digital media marketing services, including social media strategy, lead generation via the HubSpot inbound marketing platform and video production, please visit their website for more information on how to put your company on the cutting edge of the newest marketing trends.

About Lone Star Seal

Lone Star Seal is a family owned and operated seal and mastic business serving the greater Houston area.

Lone Star Seal offers natural stone enhancement and protection, concrete sealing, paver enhancement and sealing, wood preservation, mastic for expansion joints and pressure washing. They focus their products and services on pool coping, decks, and waterfalls, on patios, driveways, walkways and fences. Lone Star Seal works exclusively with Sika mastics and Rock Steel sealants


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dr. Philip DeFina interviewed by CBS radio regarding the future of treating brain injuries

On June 6, 2006 Joseph Domalewski had to witness a horrible accident that would change his family forever. His son Steven was pitching in a Little LeagueBaseball game when the unthinkable happened. Steven threw a pitch and with no time to react a line drive was hit right back at him striking him in the chest. The baseball struck just above his heart causing his heart to stop beating. Emergency response teams were called and responded to the 13 year old boy, unfortunately the damage had been done and Steven suffered damage to his brain from a lack of oxygen due to insufficient blood flow to his brain, stemming from his cardiac arrest. Steven sadly entered into a coma following this unimaginable accident.

There was a story in the newspaper about Steven Domalewski and Alexandra DeFina the daughter of Dr. Philip A. DeFina, founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Scientific Officer of the International Brain Research Foundation (IBRF),read the story and asked her father to help this boy that was close to her own age. Dr. DeFina's groundbreaking research and treatment methods for traumatic and hypoxic brain injury were presented to the Domalewski family and these methods were then implemented with Steven. Through the vision,passion, and refusal to accept the normal treatment strategies Dr. DeFina and the IBRF team were instrumental in awakening Steven from his coma. Dr. Defina has developed a protocol of various pharmaceuticals, nutriceutical, neuromodulation, and nerve stimulation that has produced amazing results for many families that have had to live through similar tragedies as the Domalewski family.

Dr. DeFina and the IBRF team are happy for the Domalewski family and grateful for the news of the settlement award to help with the continued care for Steven and the ever growing costs of medical care. This settlement will ensure that Steven will continue to receive the best possible care and will provide additional peace of mind to Steven's family knowing his future is more secure. Steven still has a long struggle ahead of him, but he is alive and able to continue that struggle in great part due to the efforts of Dr. DeFina and his compassion to help people whom are often forgotten by modern medicine.

The mission of IBRF is to continue with the development of treatment interventions to bring about better outcomes and higher levels of recovery for the victims of brain injuries. IBRF continues the fight today to discover the latest technology and methods to treat these people to return them to their normal lives. This is made possible through the devotion and passion of Dr. Defina and the IBRF team striving to accelerate the scientific community's progress in solving many of the complex brain-related issues that humanity faces today.

Dr. DeFina was interviewed by CBS radio on August 22, 2012 discussing the accomplishments that have been made and the future of the science for treating brain injuries. Dr. DeFina will also be discussing some of the same scientific advances that were used in awakening Steven Domalewski from his coma. Hear him on CBS Radio 880 on Thursday August 23, 2012.


CSOFT Hosts Webinars to Discuss Terminology Management’s Role in International Regulatory Compliance

CSOFT International Ltd., a leading provider of multilingual globalization services and language technology solutions announced today the launch of an online webinar series aimed at explaining the importance of product terminology management and its role in meeting international regulatory requirements for life sciences companies. The webinars are available free of charge for compliance managers, quality control professionals, and documentation managers at pharmaceutical, medical devices, and biotechnology companies.

Regulatory compliance is designed to ensure the safety of millions of customers around the world, and is a mandatory requirement for the life sciences industry. As electronic documents replace paper records in the fields of R&D, manufacturing, content development, and other functions, companies need to understand, manage, and control the flow of digital information. In fact, the FDA requires that these systems maintain the digital equivalent of a paper trail. Regulation 21 CFR Part 11 sets strict criteria for electronic signatures and documents. Non-compliance may lead to fines, delays and even halting operations into a particular locale. Products could be quarantined indefinitely and lofty fines levied against non-compliant companies.

In the case of terminology management, a paper trail means the detailed tracking record that shows the creation, review, alteration, approval, and version control of each important product terminology. The ability to show who made particular alterations to each term at all times is vital to a digital paper trail that can serve as evidence to auditors in a compliance audit.

"As important as terminology management is, many life sciences companies either do not do it at all, or lack a mature process to manage the requirement systematically," commented Carl Yao, VP of Global Strategy at CSOFT International. "Having a set of well-developed terminology clearly defining each important product component and application is critical for companies in the life sciences industry. Incorrect terminology not only leads to confusion and poor translations, it can have a direct impact on patients' safety and may cause a product to fail in international regulatory compliance requirements."

Studies show that a significant percentage of all content and translation quality issues are terminology related. These terminology webinars are designed to help life sciences companies understand the importance of terminology management in terms of improved product quality and international regulatory compliance by keeping detailed records of the entire terminology development process, from initial creation, to validation, and sign-off. The webinars also aim to help companies establish best practices so they are able to streamline how terminologies are created, reviewed, translated, and approved. Terminology experts will demonstrate how to get started with managing product terminology that is tailored to meeting global compliance requirements.

To sign up for the terminology management webinar series for the life sciences, go here.


CSOFT International is the world's leading provider of multilingual localization and language technology solutions. Recognized among Top 5 Language Service Providers worldwide, CSOFT delivers quality-driven localization and language solutions with fanatical customer service, ISO-certified processes, and an award-winning multinational leadership team.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Preventing Tangled Earbuds Is Now Possible Because of the Nest Earbud Storage System

Even the most diligent earphone user would struggle to keep his earbuds from tangling. This makes them prone to damage. But now, thanks to the Nest Earbud Protector it is now possible to protect them from tangling.

The product is made from a single piece of high quality silicone that is soft and flexible. This compact case is to be flipped down the outer edge to open. Once opened, the ear pieces can be pushed inside a protective center that looks more like the center of a flower. The earbud cables are then to be wrapped around this center piece. And once you have finished wrapping it around, flip the edges back in place. You now have a compact case that can fit anywhere, even your pockets. Just pull the earphone jack to unwind the cables when you're ready to hear a song.

It is now available from Live Web Stores at for just $9.99. As of now, blue they are only available in blue, more color choices coming soon. The Nest is undeniably the best possible option to protect your earbuds from damage.

"Your earphones can be your best companion in a long and arduous journey. Sadly, they're also susceptible to a lot of damage. Almost every effort to remove earbuds begins with de-knotting them and it can get really frustrating. But this product is just the right thing to protect them. You can be sure that they'll remain tangle free and safe within the silicon case. True to its name, the Nest provides a comfortable place for your ear buds when they're not in use," says the spokesperson at

"The best thing about the product is that it is easy to pull out as well. You do not have to waste time- simply pulling the jack will free the ear phones," he adds.

About The site is dedicated to providing a unique shopping experience to customers through products that are innovative and stylish. The Nest is one such exclusive product promoted at the online store.

To know more about the product, visit, or



Friday, September 14, 2012

How To Get Kids To Appreciate World Cultures - 'The Seed,' An Educational Kids App by Swipea for iOS

Swipea, a Gamebit Labs brand that specializes in educational kids apps is launching The Seed today as a free app for kids from its World Explorer series. Designed by parents with children in mind, the World Explorer series will encompass several titles that will allow children to discover different world cultures through moral story, educational games and entertaining fun facts on their iOS devices. Available worldwide today, The Seed lets kids discover the Chinese world through a moral story on courage, 9 different educational games and over 140 entertaining fun facts in a single interactive app suitable for kids aged between 3 to 9.

Offering kids and their parents an engaging family activity and experience, The Seed tells the tale of a Chinese girl named Faye Jing whose courageous heart led her to becoming the Emperor's Royal Gardener and how China came to be known as 'The Flowery Kingdom.' Throughout this educational app for kids, children are taught the values of courage, honesty and much more, all beautifully portrayed through gorgeous animated artwork, enhanced with traditional Chinese music sound that will take the young reader across the seasons, letting them explore the China and its culture at their own pace.

In order to make the experience with The Seed even better for both child and parent, Swipea's producer, Benjamin Chong says, "We have performed extensive research and packed this children storybook app with fun facts about all things Chinese like interesting places, traditional music & instruments, Chinese costumes, flowers & plants and much more. We're sure kids will find The Seed to be a delightful and educational read and play."

Talking about future app developments, Benjamin said, "We're just completed a series of Chinese tangram puzzle apps themed for kids 3 years old and above, which will be available worldwide before end of September, 2012."

About Gamebit Labs Sdn Bhd

Currently based in Malaysia, Gamebit Labs is a new technology startup founded in Q4, 2011. The company's mission is to develop children ebook and casual game apps for mobile devices to help kids learn to learn world cultures in a fun and more effective way. Benjamin Chong who has been in the online entertainment industry for the past 7 years is the founder and CEO of Gamebit Labs. For more information on Gamebit Labs, visit


Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Offers a Simple Solution to Send Bulk SMS Online, India's leading cheap online bulk SMS service provider offers a simple solution to send bulk sms directly to thousands of customers quickly and efficiently. Now, people might not have to install any software on their pc to send bulk sms. All they have to do is just enable their excel sheet by downloading the excel plugin for free from Moreover, there is no setup cost for enabling excel sheet.

As sms marketing is proving to be productive, entrepreneurs have already started to use short message service as an effective marketing tool. It is found that around 87% of world's population has mobile phones and messaging has become as an important mode of communication between people.

"Reaching the potential customers via sms is an effective marketing strategy that requires low investment, minimal efforts and maintenance but delivers maximum results in time. As there are more than 4 billion active mobile users, promoting products and services via sms will reach a large number of customers and boost business productivity within a short span of time. In today's competitive mobile marketing arena, people are finding it difficult to send bulk sms to customers. That's why we offer a simple solution which requires no software and no setup to send bulk sms," says a spokesperson for

Usually, traditional marketing strategies might require several days or weeks to show signs of improvement, but sms marketing reaches the customers quickly and delivers high response rate. Moreover, sms marketing is a cost effective marketing strategy that is reliable, easy to monitor and effective. is a unit of Micronet Infocom & Logistics private limited. It offers a wide range of sms marketing services including mobile advertisement, sms broadcast, missed call notification, voice calls, short & long code and more at reasonable prices.

"Now, you can download our unique bulk sms excel plugin from our site for free and can enable your excel sheet to send sms directly to your customers. With our bulk sms software, you might not have to install software in your pc. If you have any queries regarding our sms marketing services, you can get instant assistance through our live chat professionals or telephone," adds the spokesperson

About is India's leading cheap online bulk SMS service provider. It offers a wide range of services including bulk sms, short code, long code, voice calls, developer API, mobile advertisement and more.

For more details, log on to:


Monday, September 10, 2012

Peak to Peak Marketing Announces Exclusivity Businesses Seeking Improved Visibility Online Marketing

Peak to Peak Marketing has announced a special offer of category exclusivity for businesses seeking to prioritize growth and visibility through inbound lead generation. Peak to Peak Marketing believes in building a partnership with each client that leads to an in-depth understanding of the business, its goals and its priorities. Business owners can now obtain exclusive category rights for their city when using Peak to Peak Marketing inbound lead generation services.

Once a company has secured their category with Peak to Peak Marketing, no other company in that category can benefit from Peak to Peak Marketing's comprehensive and customized inbound marketing and visibility solutions. "Inbound lead generation using SEO, Social Media and Pay per Click is the highest ROI for businesses seeking new customers," explains Cheryl MacNaughton President Peak To Peak Marketing. "The old marketing methods of using the yellow pages and advertising in newspapers are dead." By offering exclusive rights to each category, businesses can feel confident about their ability to maintain and grow their competitive edge.

As a company specializing in helping companies improve visibility and profitability, Peak to Peak Marketing understands how important it is to have a comprehensive plan for leveraging the power of social media marketing, optimized website design, lead generation, and marketing specifically designed to meet the unique the goals of the business. "Consumers use the Internet every day to find the goods and services they need, even locally," explains MacNaughton. "If your business does not have a comprehensive plan for being visible online, you will not be able to effectively compete in the 21st Century global marketplace."

If lead generation is crucial to the success of a business, the website and associated marketing efforts must be designed to convert. Peak to Peak Marketing offers a free SEO and Marketing Guide available for download on the website to help business owners identify their needs. To learn more about claiming a business's exclusive category rights with Peak to Peak Marketing, please visit their website.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Marketing Expert Explains About the Importance of SMS Marketing

Like social networking sites, mobile has become an integral part of people's life. With more than 4 billion active mobile users, mobile is proving to be an effective medium to market products and services. But still, inexperienced entrepreneurs are finding it difficult to make use of SMS marketing effectively for their marketing campaign. An expert marketing professional from explains about the importance of sms marketing in today's marketing arena.

Hope, everyone knows the fact that around 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. The primary reason for such huge failure is the use of inefficient marketing campaign that requires huge investment to setup but may not be as effective as expected. That's why you need to look for cost effective and reliable marketing strategies that are able to withstand severe global market fluctuations.

"Nowadays, SMS marketing is gaining recognition in the marketing arena with its reliable, fast and higher response rate than other marketing strategies. When choosing Short Message Service (SMS) as your marketing tool, you need to pay attention to your messages because irrelevant messages might irritate your customers. Messages needs to be simple, informative and relevant, don't try to force your customers to purchase", says an expert marketing professional from is a unit of Micronet Infocom & Logistics private limited. It offers a wide range of sms marketing services including mobile advertisement, sms broadcast, missed call notification, voice calls and short & long code and marketing solutions at affordable rates.

"To ensure that your message reaches your potential customers in time, send bulk sms using software. Bulk sms software is specifically designed to send bulk amount of sms to thousands of customers quickly and efficiently," adds the marketing professional

SMS marketing is an effective marketing strategy that is gaining recognition among entrepreneurs who are looking for cheap and effective marketing strategies. Currently, even multinational companies have started to use sms marketing due to its faster turnaround time and higher response rate.

"We offer free bulk sms software that can be instantly downloaded from our site and can directly send multiple sms to customers from your excel sheet quickly," he adds further

About is India's leading cheap online bulk SMS service provider. It offers a wide range of services including bulk sms, short code, long code, voice calls, developer API, mobile advertisement and more.

For more details, log on to:



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