Monday, March 26, 2012

New Business Helping SME’s with Their Business

New Business offers essential business advice and help for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to improve their business productivity. Apart from rendering online advice through website, they also offer assistance for directors and owners of SMEs through their quarterly publication "New Business Magazine" and free weekly e-newsletter.

"More than half of the new business will disappear in the first few years", according to Small Business Administration (SBA)

It is found that usually small and medium enterprises fail within the first few years mainly due to financial difficulties caused by poor financial management.

"We know it's difficult to develop and grow SMEs due to a wide range of marketing conditions that's why we offer small business help to owners and directors of small and medium enterprises. We not just offer business advice through our website, but through our quarterly publication New Business Magazine and free weekly e-newsletter as well. We offer our business advice at every stage of your development and help you to increase your profitability. You can find all the latest essential advice and guidance in our website which is also updated with special reports, business start ups, top tips and practical advice to grow and develop your company", says a spokesperson for New Business.

New Business has been helping owners and directors of SMEs for more than 10 years with its wide range of expertise over the business arena. It helps entrepreneurs through its website, magazine and free weekly e-newsletter.

Its quarterly publication "New Business Magazine" offers in-depth reports and reviews on all key areas of business including finance, accounting, business planning, marketing and technology. It also features exclusive interviews with leading officials and entrepreneurs such as Lord Alan Sugar, Sir Rocco Forte, Jacqueline Gold, Mark Dixon, Duncan Bannatyne, Terence Conran, James Dyson, Ivan Massow, Charles Dunstone and others. To ensure that the editorial is of the highest quality, New Business works with the leading experts and associations including the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Chartered Institute of Marketing and others.

You can even find a selection of articles from each issue in the magazine archive on the website", adds the spokesperson.

About New Business:

New Business has been helping owners and directors of SMEs with business advice for more than 10 years.

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