Sunday, June 17, 2012

SendThisFile reduces SPAM with Secure SMTP notification emails

SendThisFile® today is announcing a new feature for users who send large files, secure simple mail transfer protocol (SMTPS) for file notifications. SMTPS routes SendThisFile file notification emails through a customers' existing email account server, improving service integration and reducing the likelihood of a file notification getting mis-identified as unsolicited bulk, or SPAM, emails.

Despite continuous attempts by public and private organizations to fight the spread of SPAM emails, it has proven to be a resilient nuisance and threat to computer users worldwide. According to Internet networking equipment maker Barracuda Networks, on June 3rd 2012 they processed over 405 million emails on their equipment, of which they filtered over 343 million, or 83.6% as SPAM.

In response, email programs, security software, email service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo!, and Internet service providers have increased their automated SPAM countermeasures, such as word checking, website blacklists, HTML disabling, and content filtering. Unfortunately, automated content filtering is inaccurate and often overly aggressive, resulting in false positives, the industry term for mis-identifying legitimate email as SPAM.

False positives occur when legitimate emails are marked as SPAM, and are typically quarantined into a SPAM folder, never to arrive to the recipient's Inbox or be seen by the recipient. For any business relying on email as a primary form of digital communication, wrongful SPAM identification will result in mis-communication, confusion, and countless hours of lost productivity.

In certain cases, Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) can provide an answer to lost emails. SMTP is an email standard that allows users to relay email messages from a software client to a users' existing email server. When users configure their SMTP relay server with SendThisFile, they send large files to others who then receive a notification email where the 'From:' field contains the users' chosen email address rather than '' which may get filtered.

"We are thrilled to give customers the ability to relay messages through their existing email accounts," said John Stephens, SendThisFile's VP of Operations. "Allowing SMTP will improve the odds of successful email delivery."

SMTP relay transmissions between SendThisFile and the users email server are secured with encryption using a secure socket layer (SSL).

"SSL encryption is highly effective and protects email message communications from phishing, eavesdropping, and tampering," said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile's VP of Business Development.

With secure SMTP enabled, SendThisFile offers a robust and secure way to ensure that users can send large files without them getting lost in the digital mail.

About SendThisFile:

Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 60 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

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