Thursday, July 5, 2012

Inspector Investigates Property Where A Young Woman Died Of Suspected Mold Related Asthma

In the last 8 years Daryl Watters of A Accredited Mold Inspection Service, Inc- has conducted roughly a dozen mold inspections for attorneys in the areas where he provides inspection from West Palm Beach to Miami- Currently he is preparing for a legal case for an attorney and his clients who are tenants- The case involves a landlord tenant dispute over mold in a beautiful oceanfront high rise condo on Fort Lauderdale Beach- He is also involved in a separate legal issue between an insurance company and a small but nice restaurant in West Palm Beach.

- His most interesting case is in the early stages, it is one involving a young lady in her early 20's who developed severe asthma reactions while residing in a very moldy one bathroom one bedroom rental apartment in Miami.

She was sick with asthma from the time she moved in says her boyfriend, then she was rushed to the hospital because of a severe asthma attack, the boyfriend and the family lawyer both states she was hospitalized for 10 days, then she just died- Shockingly the death occurred not much more than a week prior to Mr- Watters involvement in the case.

- The girl reportedly complained of asthma, prolonged leaks, and mold to the property manager but to no avail sources claim.

- It has not yet been proven if the mold found in her property including Stachybotrys, Pen / Asp, and Chaetomium were responsible for her fatal asthma attack, but one thing is for sure, the mold inspection and testing revealed unusually large amounts of fungal growth, and mold odor, as well as leaks and humidity problems.

- The saddest part is that the young girl appeared to be very poor but was at the point of graduating from an education program, possibly nursing school and was just getting her life started.

- According to Mr- Watters even the so called "bad stuff" or toxic black mold is not typically considered a threat to life, and many claims of its health effects are not true, or are taken out of context- Mr- Watters goes on to say that the bad news is that there is no "good mold" either- Nearly any indoor mold growth can cause allergy or trigger asthma, he claims to see it very often from all types of mold- In regard to mold induced asthma attacks resulting in death he has always suspected such occurs, but had no knowledge of any specific cases.

- According to the CDC 12 million people have asthma attacks in America along, and 4000 people die from asthma per year in this country.

- If mold or any other bio-allergen is suspected of causing health problems in your property or place of work please take is seriously- If it is your responsibility to respond to mold issues in public housing, or a place of employment do not ignore it for long- Call an experienced and certified mold inspector who can locate the source, diagnose the root cause, and provide written recommendations so you can breathe easier.

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