Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Ultimate Geek Fest: SUPERMATH

Brainy mathematicians and scientists with an uncanny resemblance to characters on TV’s Big Bang Theory will showcase practical applications for predictive analytics at the new SUPERMATH analytics conference/expo Nov. 10.

Nationally recognized “brainiacs” will provide inspiring keynotes in a variety of fields – healthcare and medicine; energy, infrastructure and clean tech; marketing, media and social networks; and risk, fraud and security. Following morning keynotes, Mayor Jerry Sanders will open the technology expo where more than 20 area analytics companies, universities and government entities will showcase wide ranging business intelligence solutions.

Keynote speakers include: energy-policy analyst, transport economist and environmental activist Charles Komanoff, recently featured in Wired magazine; Brian Knauss, Director, Analytic Platforms, eBay; Cheryl Max, Director, Functional Capabilities, World Wide Demand Programs, IBM; Dr. Eric Topol, a pioneer in advancing individualized and wireless medicine; and Pamela Scanlon, Executive Director of San Diego’s Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS). Others include Michael Victoroff, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for Parity Computing; Amy Chui, Vice-president of Risk Analysis and Management at Sempra Energy, and Revathi Subramanian, Director of Research & Development with the SAS Institute, Inc.

As a recognized analytics cluster, San Diego is home to more than 100 area companies and thousands of gifted engineers and scientists involved in creating new analytics technologies and services used by business and government nationally and internationally.

Among the more than 20 innovative analytics experts who will demonstrate at SUPERMATH are:

- Alex Bates, CTO, Mtelligence

- Dr. Alex Guazzelli, Vice President of Analytics, Zementis

- Anup Doshi, Graduate Student Researcher, UCSD Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles (LISA)

- Heidi Buck, Systems Engineer, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific, SPAWAR

- Jeffrey Guo, CEO, Semtific

- John McNeil, President, LabSynch

- John Wang, Search Architect, LinkedIn

- Josh Roach, Vice President Engineering and Product, Mitek Systems

- Larry Peranich, Principal Scientist – Analytic Science, FICO

- Luke Barrington, Ph.D Candidate, UCSD/National Geographic

- Matt Lillig, Sr. Analytics Lead, Yahoo! Web Analytics

- Maurizio Borsotto, Statistician, Knowledge Engineer and Software Developer, GCAS – ECAT

- Mike Calandra, Senior Research Analyst, SANDAG

- Moshe Olim, Staff Business Analyst, Intuit

- Philip Topham, General Manager, Lnx Pharma

- Ron Pitt, CEO, ECODOG

- Sanjeev Rao, Director of New Products, Parity Computing

- Steve Beal, VP of Development, Covario

- Prof. Ulrich Reimer, Institute for Information & Process Management University of Applied Sciences in St. Gallen, Switzerland (ai-one)

- Xiaoqian Jiang, Ph.D candidate, UCSD

“We have some very impressive people showcasing new and innovative analytics applications being developed in the San Diego region and nationally,” said Conference Chair Tom Clancy, a director of the San Diego Software Industry Council and Managing Director at Tao Venture Partners. “These innovators are using analytics for very practical purposes -- analyzing and optimizing everything from traffic flow and roadway operations to laboratory research and wildfire burn rates and directions.”

The San Diego Software Industry Council is one of San Diego's oldest and largest trade organizations for regional software companies, related technologies and services. The Council supports the entrepreneurial spirit within the San Diego software and IT industry by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, sharing of resources and promotion of industry goals. More information about SDSIC is at More information about SUPERMATH is at

For additional information:

Nancy Davis


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