Monday, May 23, 2011

A Social Network that Promotes Handmade Crafts as Unique Gift Ideas

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have had their piece of the fame pie. It is time now for newer formats of social networking for specific niche in the society that encourages the art of handmade crafts. A dedicated social networking hub for crafts seemed like a good idea to the owner of the website, James Dillehay, a craftsperson himself and the writer of nine books and a savvy internet marketer. It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet - Kojiro Tomita appropriately stated a befitting line that describes James found the potential in encouraging the marketing of crafts handmade for sale of his fellow craftsmen online in order to reach out to art lovers of the society keeping in line with the latest trends.

People are constantly on the lookout for out-of-the-world ideas of gifts and souvenirs of symbolic significance to be presented to their loved ones. Although, there is no dearth to the items found in gift shops, there are always clones of something that is factory-made. On the contrary, it is the handmade gifts that are exceptional in terms of its looks, theme and use. However, not all craftsmen are dedicated professionals; there are some who showcase their talent in producing stupendously designed crafts as a hobby. These artists might not have a website of their own. lets us as consumers get in touch with these hidden artists by duly exposing the immaculate creations in photos and videos.

For those who take handmade crafts as the primary occupation can harness the constructive link building they would earn from sites such as these. It is a win-win-win situation for the artist, the consumer and the social networking site.

You can find a plethora of gift ideas that are handmade for sale on and better still you can even interact with the creator of that craft. There is no end to the kind of things you can do with this social networking site.

About : is a social networking site dedicated to artists of unique crafts handmade for sale. The owner of the site allows for a free registration and an absolutely no charge for building links to and from the site in order to promote the artists business site. Crafts handmade for sale are found in many forms in this site.

For more info please visit:


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