Monday, January 9, 2012

Kredi Karti Taksitlendirme Plans from Kredi Karti Borcu Taksitlendirme (KKBT) Provide Great Relief

Istanbul based credit card consultancy company Kredi Karti Borcu Taksitlendirme (KKBT), offers easy and effective Kredi Karti Borcu Taksitlendirme plans to ease the burden of credit card debt among Turks.

The number of credit card holders in Turkey has skyrocketed and as on July 2011, there were 70 million credit holders. The country's credit card average per person almost equals to that of Europe. But this has also led to a mounting credit card debt. Latest reports suggest that hundreds of people have been forbidden from withdrawing cash from their banks unless they pay off some of the credit card debt. This is to chastise the 2.5 million people, who pay only the minimum amount of their debt, and the 4 million people who have paid less than 50 per cent of their credit card debt. The decision is illogical, but seems to the only long term solution to Turkey's credit card debt problem.

Debtors can choose from the several plans that KKBT offers. During the course of the Kredi Karti Borcu debt plan, the interest rates applied by banks (almost 25 percent interest rate) are turned off. They can pay back with low interest rates with 12 equal monthly installments and do not have to worry about surety bonds or any other obligatory requirements.

The process begins by filling out an application form. KKBT can help process debt payment plans from a wide variety of banks including Garanti, Akbank, Yapi kredi, Is Bankasi, and HSBC.

They are Turkey's leading credit card debt counseling company and are yet to register even a single case of customer dissatisfaction. They also provide installment warranty application. To help visitors they have also laid out the current rate table. Among other services offered by them include credit card debt consulting, credit card debt installment, and credit card consolidation. They have been in business since 2000 and have served thousands of people get over their bad debt issues. Kredi Karti Borcu Taksitlendirme plans offered by them are fail proof.

About KKBT:

Kredi Karti Borcu Taksitlendirme or KKBT is Turkey's leading credit card counseling company. They help people repay their credit card debts with thorough planning. To know more, visit,



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