Tuesday, June 5, 2012

SendThisFile Raises the bar in File Transfer Security

SendThisFile® today is reintroducing its file transfer security features to the online community. In recent months SendThisFile has bolstered its file sharing service with security features that far surpass industry norms. SendThisFile customers can send large files protected by a broad array of security features including secure login, transfer encryption, storage encryption, permanent file removal, download passwords, long URIs that greatly reduce file download page guessing, and more.

File sharing companies often do not focus on providing enough security to their users. For example, to keep costs low file sharing companies often transfer files unencrypted over the Internet, which reduces back-end server processing, but at the risk of packet sniffing. Surprisingly, many companies also forgo basic SSL certificates to protect their users' entire session, from sign-in to file transfer. Many file sharing services also rely on simple file sharing methods that are often insecure, ignoring potential security threats such as phishing and spoofing.

SendThisFile provides an advanced array of security features because privacy is still very important to many users, and some information is personal and highly sensitive, such as tax records, financial data, employee records, accounting statements, and company data. SendThisFile respects the privacy of its customers, which is why SendThisFile has designed, by default, privacy and security into its system.

"By its very nature, digital information is easy to copy and store indefinitely. Many of our customers' files contain highly sensitive information and deserves protection" said Scott Sexton, SendThisFile's VP of Business Development. "That is why our business focuses on providing a comprehensive security suite to users looking to send big files."

As the Internet continues to grow and mature, cyber threats will increase in their frequency and sophistication. With so much at risk, it is a mystery why other file sharing companies' don't provide adequate security.

"Most companies don't invest the time or money necessary to provide sufficient security," said John Stephens, SendThisFile's VP of Operations. "Many simply aren't aware of the risk they are putting their users' data under."

SendThisFile serves its paying customers, not advertisers, and its focus on privacy protection and data security does not conflict with serving ads or cutting corners to save money on a free service. Venture backed companies often forego profitability to grow their business, but as realities hit when money dries up, they turn to advertisers. To serve ads companies need to collect as much data as they can, especially personal data, to sell to advertisers either now or in the future.

"It's simply good business," said Sexton. "We know that providing security goes hand-in-hand with providing a great file sharing service."

About SendThisFile:

Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 60 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

More information: www.sendthisfile.com



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