Sunday, August 26, 2012

SendThisFile allows multiple Custom Upload Forms

SendThisFile® today is announcing support for multiple Custom Upload Forms for every Enterprise customer account.

Custom Upload Forms allow SendThisFile customers to embed file sending capabilities into their public website or private intranet, allowing visitors to upload and send large files from the web browser without special software. SendThisFile's Enterprise plans now allow customers to create unlimited custom upload forms.

"Custom Upload Forms are a powerful file sending tool for our customers," said Scott Sexton, Vice President of Business Development. "Now our customers can use different Custom Upload Forms for any number of uses."

Once setup, visitors can send large files entirely from within the Custom Upload Form. To improve the visitor's experience, Custom Upload Forms can be configured to seamlessly match the look and feel of a customer's website.

"With Custom Upload Forms, customers can add their logo, change colors, and adjust the size of their forms. The number of possible configurations is practically infinite," said John Stephens, Vice President of SendThisFile. "These configuration options improve the visitor's experience and strengthens the brand of our customers."

SendThisFile customers are guided through the Custom Upload Forms creation processing through a helpful step-by-step guide. Customization options include custom input fields to allow customers to collect data in either a free form or normalized format, numerous security features, and full HTML control for advanced users.

Multiple Custom Upload Forms are available today to all SendThisFile Enterprise plan customers.


Since 2003 SendThisFile, Inc. has been an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to its clients. Its service provides an uncomplicated and secure way for computer users to send large files that are too big for typical email servers. With over 1.5 million users served and more than 63 million files transferred and customers in over 160 countries, SendThisFile is a proven and reliable partner for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and individual users.

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