Thursday, August 30, 2012

Win Your Fight With Cellulite – Enter The 90 Day Cellulite Challenge

Bellabaci's 90 Day "Get Rid of Cellulite" Challenge kicks off on September 01 - 2012 and is open to women worldwide who want to participate.The 12 week, 10 minute a day program combines simple life style changes like exercise and diet with the Bellabaci cupping therapy massage treatment, and their highly effective range of natural Homeopathic "Aromeotherapy"EssentialComplex oils, Cellutherapy.

"We are encouraging women from all walks of life and all over the world that are determined to rid themselves of cellulite to join the cellulite challenge" said Keren Trabelsi, CEO of Bellabaci International.

100 women will be selected from entrants and monitored on a weekly basis by way of posts, images and videos uploaded to the challenge (contestants only) website and FB pages. Bellabaci will closely monitor contestant results and an advisory help desk is available for participantsto voice their concerns and questions throughout the 12 week program.

Women can register at to be selected. Women not selected for the challenge are welcome to participate and follow the progress of the contestants.

"We are excited to prove that our natural, easy and non-invasive get rid of cellulite treatment system is by far the most effective and affordable celluliteremedy on the market today" stated Derrick Z. Venter, Marketing Director for Bellabaci International. "Women, all over the world that are sick of all the cellulite miracle cure hype are turning to Bellabaci as the easy, at home, get rid of cellulite solution and are seeing fabulous results".

Bellabaci Homeopathic Essential Complexes or "Aromeopathic" treatment oils are made from pure organic essential oils and cold pressed carrier oils, containing no artificial fragrances, colouring agents and are not tested on animals. A complex is the synergy between homeopathic ingredients and essential oils. This combination uses homeopathic ingredient energy and the power of essential oils to penetrate the skin creating unique and powerful results. Combined with the Bellabaci cupping therapy hand squeezed medical silicone cups and a massage treatment technique that addresses the root cause of cellulite, it is fast proving that cellulite can be removed over time with consistent use. Learn more about these products at



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